• Mimosa Automatic
  • Mimosa Automatic
  • Mimosa Automatic
  • Mimosa Automatic
  • Mimosa Automatic
  • Mimosa Automatic
  • Mimosa Auto + 3

Mimosa Auto

alias Purple Mimosa Auto

Konopná odrůda Mimosa Auto je víc než jen lahodná citrusová chuť, díky níž je její odložení docela výzvou.  Tato silná samonakvétací odrůda také vytváří skvělý povznášející high, který je dokonalým každodenním povzbuzením.Kromě toho má i skvělé výnosy za rekordní čas.
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Semena Mimosa Auto Seeds: Vydatná citrusová síla z rodokmenu Purple Punch a Clementine

Ve snaze o chuťově výrazné konopí zkřížili šlechtitelé z Royal Queen Seeds Mimosa Auto s pryskyřičným kmenem Orangeade Auto. Výsledkem je odrůda Mimosa Automatic, která má 65% genů ze sativy, 30% z indiky a 5% genů z konopí rumištního.

Video id: 692979627

Účinky a příchutě kmene Mimosa Auto

Mimosa Auto je moderní samonakvétací kmen produkující silné a kvalitní květy, které se vyrovnají fotoperiodickým konopným odrůdám. Až 21 % obsah THC pohání masivně silný high, který vám vykouzlí široký úsměv na tváři. Mimosa Automatic se skvěle hodí ke všem možným aktivitám a díky tomu se skvěle hodí ke kouření během dne. Jejímu chuťovému profilu dominuje citrusová chuť s jemnými tóny pomeranče a limetky. Tuto chuť si jistě zamilují všichni konopní znalci!

Pěstování semen Mimosa Auto

V pěstební místnosti dosahují semena Mimosa Auto velikosti 60-150 cm (venku 80-160 cm), což znamená, že se vejdou i do stísněných prostor. Semena Mimosa Autoflower dodávají své chutné zboží velmi rychle!. Na sklizeň se můžete těšit již 10 týdnů od vyklíčení a po 7–8 týdnech kvetení vás odmění až 400 g/m² v indooru a nebo až 130 g na rostlinu v outdooru.

Pokud chcete pěstovat aromatický samonakvétací kmen, který se snadno a rychle pěstuje, a přitom poskytuje dobré výnosy prvotřídních květů, rozhodně byste měli vyzkoušet odrůdu Mimosa Auto od Royal Queen Seeds!

Mimosa Auto data sheet
Druh Odrůdy: Samonakvétací
THC: 21%
CBD: Nízký
Yield Indoor: 350 - 400 gr/m2
Yield Outdoor: 80 - 130 gr/plant
Výška Indoor: 100 - 150 cm
Výška Outdoor: 120 – 160 cm
Kvetení: 7 - 8 týdnů
Měsíc Sklizně: 9-10 týdnů po vyrašení
Genetická Výbava: Mimosa Auto x Orangeade Auto
Typ: Sativa 65% Indica 30% Ruderalis 5%
Účinek: Čisté, Povznášející
Klima: Dlouhé Léto
Chuť: Citrusová, Dieselová

    Od N. W. Dne 09/Nov/2024 :

    Titul : Lieb
    Komentáře : In einem 15l Topf wird die Dame ein Monster. Wirkung sehr angenehm. Blüten bildschön. Klare Kaufempfehlung

    Od M. R. Dne 27/Oct/2024 :

    Titul : Leo1
    Komentáře : This strain is soft & fruity. Goes great with a glass of wine.

    Od E. S. Dne 23/Oct/2024 :

    Titul : Power
    Komentáře : Vero power

    Od B. K. Dne 22/Oct/2024 :

    Titul : Petite tête bien compacte
    Komentáře : C'est pas la meilleur que j'ai faite, mais elle passe bien quand même, les têtes sont petites et compacte

    Od A. W. Dne 20/Oct/2024 :

    Titul : Beautiful plant
    Komentáře : First-time grower here and all I can say is WOW! What a beauty! I can't believe how fast it's growing! Easy to germinate and sprouted quickly! Three days! I'm on week 6 and things are starting to smell wonderful! I'm impressed! Can't wait to start the next strain!

    Od S. C. Dne 16/Oct/2024 :

    Titul : Good Start!
    Komentáře : Seed germinated fairly easy. Plant is looking healthy so far.

    Od J. B. Dne 13/Oct/2024 :

    Titul : The things grew only this does not taste like mimosa.
    Komentáře : I came, I saw, I defeated Auto flower. This was a experiment in autos for me. The buds were not super happy with life and many fox tailed. However many did not and all in all for a Auto flower experience the stuff grew tall and was not runted. I grew in soil that was extra loose and aerated the pot with a drill bit for the first month to stop it from reaching the bottom of the pot before flowering to ensure a decent sized plant. I have seen this exact strain in Auto grow short and flower before the plant could gain size. however I did not have that problem with these seeds. The plants were however picky at first and starving for M. Without a good dose of that stuff with most waterings I had the leaves centers turning yellow but within a week or two that went away and we knew to keep feeding the M to them to prevent it . For the rest of the grow the plants got to 5' tall before flowering and this was a great thing for an auto . The buds are very dank but I did bend the plant at its stalk 90 at its top which produced some nice buds the size of a fist that have a WAY more DANK smell from the dried bud than I ever expected given this during grow was not overly fragrant . From its first day of drying it smelled like ripe sharp B.O like dankness with a hint of sweet smells that have subtle citrus notes. When they tell you that you give up taste for Autos you cannot imagine the difference in flavor from Photo Mimosa . Its not the same bud and its taste is very sugar sweet but at the most mellow level you would ever want from it. It has none of the classic Mimosa zest that makes this strain my favorite of all time. It is NOT Mimosa flavored and it has 0 to do with how I grew it which was 100% organic as long as you believe Epson salt is organic enough. I did not give it anything that was not kelp or fish based for food really other than worm caster and chicken scratch. These seed were the best growing Auto I have seen grow in soil to date. I have seen so many stunted Autos with so little bud production in the past few years that I was VERY pleased with the size of the plants I got from these seeds. I did a run of just 3 plants at first and they all grew a bit different from one another as they should . One of the plants was the most covered in huge white snow more than the other two and it has the best looking buds out of the group . The other two are similar in how the buds look but the size of the buds are vastly different one of the two that did not get super frosted. The 2 that did not frost heavy still had plenty of it to make it look swell. They produced more flower in the end than the frosty one by about 1/2 each and tasted the same across all 3 of the test plants despite the cosmetic differences. The only issue i had in the end was on the prettiest plant flowers about 10% fox tailed for no real explainable reason however I really do not care as they taste and high are not affected and the rarity of seeing a Foxtail in my own grow was new enough I was not upset . All in all if you were like me wondering if you should try to grow this Auto Mimosa seed they are selling I say YES ! IT is by far the most easy plant I have ever grown in my life. There is no control of course . Autos tend to do that . But by knowing how to stop it from flowering to early and an amazingly FAST grow time pushed these things from 1' to 5' in about 5 days time and they stretched a bunch. This strain has the skinniest leaf EVER which is why I have always loved Mimosa for growing . It is made to get light deep into the plant from its genetics. Great growers plant! As long as you use a 5 gallon or larger pot and only use seeding soil or very whipped potting soil so you limit the roots the easiest medium to grow through as possible without it being liquid this strain Auto Flower will grow big and fast . Overall I am impressed by the plant itself. For an Auto is got tall enough to give me a solid yield . I got about 4 Ounces per plant in exactly 9 weeks INDOORS with nothing but organic fertilizers . The buds are of course not at peak sexiness with this system but proved to be very strong in uplifting sativa feel just like Photo Mimosa . However you do not get ANY Mimosa flavor AT ALL and it has a completely unique and not unpleasant flavor of its own. So if you are buying this for that classic mimosa taste you are going to be slightly unhappy about the flavor profile you get . But the taste is not bad by any means. It is good smoke and it grows well . I would not call it Mimosa however. It is its own thing I believe and that is okay too. If it tasted like Mimosa I would have given it a 5 star . Everything about this plant is wonderful from a Auto aspect . The resulting plant that i got in the end was very nice and it produced a good size yield for the amount of feed it got. I say YES ! This Auto is a WIN for all Autos in the way it grows . It needs more taste worked into it somehow .

    Od C. D. Dne 09/Oct/2024 :

    Titul : Cris
    Komentáře : Super Pflanze, vom Einpflanzen bis zur Ernte sagenhafte 73 Tage, Ertrag zufriedenstellend, 32 gr trocken! Anbau und Verlauf Super leicht! Indoor am Dachfenster gegrowt! Sehr lecker angenehmes High! Sehr zu empfehlen! Danke RQS

    Od M. B. Dne 29/Sep/2024 :

    Titul : Citrus
    Komentáře : Sehr schöne Pflanze von Anfang bis Ende kein Problem gehabt. Selbst toppen ging super. Am Ende belohnt mit Großen Buds die Genetisch zum `` Foxtail`` werden. Dazu tolle Farben Dunkel Lila Blätter ( fast Schwarz ) und auch die Blüten haben einen guten 50 / 50 Mix an Hellgrünen und Lila stellen. Der Geruch erinnert an Citrus , Grapefruit , Orangenschallen und schmeckt wie es riecht. Bin Sehr zufrieden ist einer meiner Favoriten geworden und werde ich auf jeden fall wieder ins Zelt setzten. :)

    Od P. U. Dne 25/Sep/2024 :

    Titul : no hst for this one
    Komentáře : The plant didnt respond well to topping (HST) and the buds turned out the opposite of dense. The high is uplifiting and doesnt smack you in the face. You stay social and munchies arent really a thing.

    Od J. G. Dne 23/Sep/2024 :

    Titul : First time grower
    Komentáře : purchased x3 mimosa auto last night, cant wait to dive in to the growing world im brand new to it growing indoors, any tips would be helpful :)

    Od A. L. Dne 17/Sep/2024 :

    Titul : Excellent
    Komentáře : Started with one seed: currently in the fourth week, vegetative phase without any issues. Excellent seeds and service from RQS!

    Od A. K. Dne 13/Sep/2024 :

    Titul : Hält was es verspricht
    Komentáře : Mit den vielversprechenden 65% Sativa könnte ich lange Abende genießen, zudem ist die Wirkung wie beschrieben sehr euphorisch. Jederzeit wieder

    Od J. S. Dne 13/Sep/2024 :

    Titul : Hst mega gut funktioniert
    Komentáře : Alle haben gekeimt sind gewachsen und der Geschmack ist auch sehr gut

    Od S. M. Dne 03/Sep/2024 :

    Titul : Käpt'n Blaubär
    Komentáře : Good for beginners! I really enjoyed watching this plant grow and the crop was even with the mistakes I made really really good. The effect is also a good high and taste was also fruity :)

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